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Processing of personal data at the Swedish Competition Authority

This information aims to provide general information on the personal data processing for which the Swedish Competition Authority is the data controller. The information also aims to give data subjects guidance on the legal basis for the various processing operations, the rights they have as data subjects, and where they can turn with any questions.

What are personal data?

Personal data mean any information relating to a living person. Examples include name, address, e-mail address, audio recordings and images. A company registration number can be personal data, for instance in the case of sole traders.

What does personal data processing entail?

Processing is a broad term, which means basically any operation that can be performed on personal data. It can for example mean reading, gathering, storing, deleting, aligning or printing data.

The principle of public access to official records

The principle of public access to official records means that each person has the right to access public documents held by an authority. As the Swedish Competition Authority is an authority, messages sent to us become public documents which are normally registered and which can, upon request, be provided to the public. It is important to remember that the data protection rules do not prevent personal data in public documents being provided upon request. However, the authority may find in an assessment that the personal data are covered by secrecy in accordance with the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). Such an assessment is always made when someone requests public documents.

How the Swedish Competition Authority process personal data

  • Supervision and investigations

  • Queries and tip-offs

  • Applications etc. within research operations

  • Collaboration with other organisations

  • Orders for informational materials etc.

  • Subscriptions to news from our website and newsletters

  • Registrations for seminars and conferences

  • Applications for employment

  • Procurements and purchases

  • Camera monitoring of entrances

Categories of personal data processed

The Swedish Competition Authority processes only the personal data needed for the purposes stated above. This primarily encompasses the names and contact information of natural persons that appear in matters. If a matter pertains to an organisation of some kind and a contact person has been designated for that organisation, the name and contact information of that contact person is processed.

Period during which personal data are stored

The Swedish Competition Authority does not normally store personal data in a form that enables the identification of data subjects for a longer period than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed. The Swedish Competition Authority has also an obligation to observe regulations on archiving, which mean that public documents must be stored. The Swedish Competition Authority observes these rules and deletes public documents in accordance with applicable regulations on deletion. Personal data contained in public documents is thus deleted only when the public document can be sort out.

Personal data in documents of temporary or little importance are deleted after reading or after a certain shorter period, which is described in the local deletion decisions of the Swedish Competition Authority.

Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. These rights mean, in brief, that you have the possibility to request information regarding if, how and when your personal data are processed. To help you keep track of your own data, there is among other things a right to access registered data. In some cases, you can also have your data rectified, object to processing, or have data erased.

Read more on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection’s site about the data subject’s rights

If you want to exercise your rights

If you as a data subject at the Swedish Competition Authority want to exercise your rights or have any questions or opinions related to the authority’s processing of your personal data, you can contact the data protection officer of the Swedish Competition Authority.

By e-mail:

Or by mail:
The Data Protection Officer/Dataskyddsombudet
The Swedish Competition Authority/Konkurrensverket
SE-103 85 Stockholm

Complaints regarding how we process your personal data

The Swedish Data Protection Authority is responsible for supervising the application of the General Data Protection Regulation in Sweden. If you have any complaints regarding the Swedish Competition Authority’s processing of your personal data, you can present a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Swedish site).

Read more about the General Data Protection Regulation on the website of the Swedish Data Protection Authority