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Tip-offs to the Swedish Competition Authority

You can tip us off about competition and procurement problems. For example, you can do this if you have knowledge of a serious breach of legislation such as a cartel or an unauthorised direct procurement. But you can also notify us about general problems. Your tip-offs are an important complement to our supervisory efforts and help us ensure that the rules are followed.

How to make a tip-off

Public documents

Note that the documents we receive are public documents.

Security-classified information

For procurement tip-offs that contain security-classified information,
call us on +46 (0)8-700 16 00 and state that you want to talk to the function for tip-offs.

Once you have made contact with an employee at the function for tip-offs, start by stating that the tip-off contain security-protected information so we can ensure that you get in touch with an employee who is authorized to receive security-classified information.


You can make a tip off by sending an email to . If you want to remain anonymous, it is important that your name is not listed in the email, the email address or anywhere else in the tip-off. 


Call us on +46 (0)8-700 16 00 and state whether you wish to submit a procurement tip-off or a competition tip-off. If you want to remain anonymous, it is important that your phone number is displayed as hidden.


Send a letter to the Swedish Competition Authority, 103 85 Stockholm. If you wish to remain anonymous, it is important that your name is not listed in the letter or anywhere else in the tip-off. Please note that the documents that we receive become public documents. Read more about the principle of public access to official documents on the Swedish Government's website.

Information to include in your tip-off

Procurement tip-offs

We need some information along with your tip-off about a violation of procurement law. Please provide the following information:

  • Information we need

Competition tip-offs – information from undertakings

When undertakings submit a complaint about anticompetitive cooperation, abuse of a dominant position or anticompetitive public sales, we need the following information about your complaint/tip-off:

  • Information we need

When you make a tip-off

Preliminary study

When we receive a tip-off, we initiate a preliminary study. The purpose of the preliminary study is to compile a dossier that allows us to make a prioritisation decision about whether to pursue the issue. We collect enough data to be able to make a prioritisation decision in accordance with our prioritisation policy.

How we prioritise our competition enforcement efforts

How we prioritise our procurement supervision

Decision on whether to proceed with the case

Once we have sufficient documentation, we make a prioritisation decision about whether to pursue the issue. If we choose to pursue the case further, this may lead us to oblige the undertakings involved in the matter to cease their objectionable conduct. We may also decide that an undertaking must pay an administrative fee to the Swedish state for undermining competition.

Enforcement, cases and decisions in the competition area

Supervision, cases and decisions in the procurement area

Important information even if the case is not a priority

Even if we choose not to prioritise your tip-off, it may still be an important piece of the puzzle for us when planning our supervision, or in future interventions. However, in the case of a cartel-related tip-off, we cannot always provide feedback on how the tip-off is handled. This is because such feedback could harm our investigative work.